Posted on May 6, 2020 to News & Events
The following Wintzell’s locations are now open for dine-in as well as takeout: Downtown Mobile, West Mobile, Saraland, Greenville, Montgomery and Guntersville. We are open subject to all regulations and restrictions put in place by the Alabama Department of Public Health as well as Governor Ivey’s “Safer-at-Home” order issued on May 8, 2020. Our locations may be offering limited menus and limited hours of operation for the time being. For the most up-to-date menu, please visit our menus and choose the location whose menu you’d like to view. Our hours of operation currently vary from store to store, so it’s best to contact the restaurant directly for the most accurate hours of operation.
We are thrilled to welcome you back into our dining rooms!
Posted on August 10, 2018 to News & Events
Wintzell’s is pleased to announce that the 12th Annual Wintzell’s Golf Classic will be held on Thursday, November 1, 2018 at Magnolia Grove Golf Course in Mobile, Alabama. The Wintzell’s Golf Classic is a four-person team scramble held annually and is the single largest fundraiser of Wintzell’s Oyster House; in its successful 10-year history, the tournament has raised over $400,000 for local organizations, including the Distinguished Young Women program — the largest and oldest national scholarship program for high school girls.
For tournament and registration information, please visit our Wintzell’s Golf Classic page by clicking here.
Posted on June 20, 2017 to News & Events
Wintzell’s is pleased to announce that the 11th Annual Wintzell’s Golf Classic will be held on Thursday, November 2, 2017 at Magnolia Grove Golf Course in Mobile, Alabama. The Wintzell’s Golf Classic is a four-person team scramble held annually and is the single largest fundraiser of Wintzell’s Oyster House; in its successful 10-year history, the tournament has raised over $350,000 for the college-bound finalists of the Distinguished Young Women program — the largest and oldest national scholarship program for high school girls. The tournament was established in 2007 to build upon the restaurant’s longtime support of the organization and its positive mission. Wintzell’s shares many unique traditions with Distinguished Young Women, from the annual golf scramble to the wildly anticipated oyster eating contest to Wintzell’s “My Town” scholarship award, given each year at the national competition in Mobile. Wintzell’s Oyster House proudly remains the oldest continuous sponsor of Distinguished Young Women.
For tournament and registration information, please visit our Wintzell’s Golf Classic page by clicking here.
Posted on June 28, 2016 to News & Events
The 10th Annual Wintzell’s Golf Classic benefitting Distinguished Young Women was held at Lakewood Golf Club in Point Clear, Alabama on Friday, June 17th, attracting nearly 200 golfers from across the region. The four-person team scramble is held annually and is the single largest fundraiser of Wintzell’s Oyster House, having raised over $360,000 in scholarship funds for the college-bound finalists of the Distinguished Young Women program. Bob and Buffy Donlon of Wintzell’s established the tournament in 2007 to build upon the restaurants’ longtime support of the DYW organization and its positive mission. Wintzell’s remains the oldest continuous sponsor of DYW, which recognizes and rewards the accomplishments of young women seeking to pursue higher education.
The tournament celebrated its 10th anniversary this year with record-breaking numbers. With a better-than-ever turnout, the tournament will contribute over $39,000 to Distinguished Young Women. The team representing Nick’s Kids Foundation won 1st place in the scramble and received prizes at the awards luncheon at Wintzell’s Fairhope restaurant following the tournament.
Wintzell’s would like to thank the tournament’s chairman, Susie Redman of the LPGA, for taking the time to speak to the Distinguished Young Women, sharing her story and explaining the importance of learning the great game of golf. The Wintzell’s Golf Classic would also like to thank its many sponsors for helping make the event a success, including Mobile Fixture, The Grand Hotel Marriott Resort, The Battle House Hotel, Merrill Lynch, Gulf Distributing, McCain Foods, Infirmary Health, Coca Cola, Whiskey Willy’s Original Bloody Mary Mix, Mike’s Pies, Island Oasis, Franklin Primary Health Center, Delaney Development, Stifel Financial, The University of South Alabama, Sysco, Cintas, Horne LLP, The Senior Bowl, ICS Communications, and Ambrecht Jackson.

Posted on November 13, 2015 to News & Events

Posted on May 5, 2015 to News & Events
The 9th Annual Wintzell’s Golf Classic is slated for Monday, June 22 and Tuesday, June 23 at the Marriott Grand Hotel’s Lakewood Golf Club. The tournament began in 2007 and remains the single biggest fundraiser of Wintzell’s Oyster House, having raised over $300,000 in scholarship funds for the college-bound finalists of the Distinguished Young Women program (formerly America’s Junior Miss). Founded and still headquartered in Mobile, the DYW program is the largest and oldest national scholarship program for high school girls.
This year the Wintzell’s Golf Classic will expand its reach and its promise to giving back by supporting the DYW program as well as Big Oak Ranch, a Christian home for children needing a chance.
Teams may choose to play either on Monday, June 22nd (afternoon tee-off, limited registration) or Tuesday, June 23rd (morning tee-off).
We invite you to join us in supporting these two great Alabama-based organizations! Click here to download our brochure. Please contact Scootie Dabbs by phone (251.406.2860) or e-mail for more information.

Posted on March 16, 2015 to News & Events
From basketball to bits of wit and wisdom, we’re wild about March Madness! Wintzell’s popularity hails in part from its founder’s homespun sayings—thousands of quips and questions that color the walls of all Wintzell’s restaurants. These widely read witticisms are going head-to-head in a multi-round challenge that’ll be settled by our fans. Vote now and help decide the best, most clever saying you’ll find on Wintzell’s walls!

Posted on December 29, 2014 to News & Events
Our partnership with the Gulf Coast Seafood Marketing Coalition is in full swing, and we are pleased to offer fresh Gulf Coast finfish as our catch of the day. Prepared grilled, blackened, fried or broiled, this entrée is flavorful and direct from the dock. With our commitment to the Gulf Coast Seafood Traceability Standard, our guests can now scan a QR code right from their seat such that they can trace the route their seafood took from sea to table.
The nutrient-rich Gulf Coast waters provide an ideal environment for finfish to thrive. Gulf Coast finfish offer many health benefits, as they are generally low in saturated fat, high in protein and high in healthy omega-3 fats and minerals. The FDA recommends people eat up to 12 ounces (about two meals) of fish per week.

Posted on to News & Events
Wintzell’s Oyster House was recently the subject of a feature written by Ron Ruggles of Nation’s Restaurant News, the leading publication within the foodservice industry. During a visit to Mobile in August, Ruggles dined at the original Wintzell’s on Dauphin Street. His article, “76-Year-Old Wintzell’s Oyster House Modernizes,” explores the brand’s use of social media as a means of remaining on trend in a digital world. “Part of staying youthful,” Ruggles writes, “has been Wintzell’s embrace of social media.” With a Facebook page for each Wintzell’s location as well as a Twitter page and Instagram page, Wintzell’s has developed an extensive following across all platforms. Ruggles’s article includes a photograph of Wintzell’s server Monique Scott, more commonly known as “Miss Pinky,” who has been with Wintzell’s for over ten years. Scott, a well-known fan favorite, recently received the “Oliver’s Wit & Wisdom Award” at the company’s annual holiday party and awards presentation.
Wintzell’s communications manager Clay Omainsky says the article was an exciting way to round out the year. “I woke up that morning with a Google Alert in my inbox and couldn’t believe it. We are humbled by any media coverage, but because Nation’s Restaurant News usually only covers the big players in the industry, it was a huge opportunity for us.”
In line with the article’s focus, news of its publication was shared via social media, reaching nearly 15,000 fans on Facebook. The December 12th post reads accordingly: “From a six-stool oyster bar in 1938 to a feature in Nation’s Restaurant News today, one thing will never change: heartened every day by your support, we absolutely love what we do!”
The article may be viewed online by clicking here.
